Application Hosting - Monitoring Policy
Policy Objective
The objective of this policy is to provide set of written rules revolving around monitoring of the applications on Scopic's Application Hosting evnironment.
Policy Scope
This policy applies to the resources (servers, volumes, databases) that are part of the Application Hosting.
Policy Statement
This policy aims to provide guidelines on how monitoring of the client applications deployed from us should be monitored.
- For each application, we set web monitoring which is capable of monitoring the application from the availability perspective.
- For each application we will be monitoring CPU, RAM, and storage.
- For each application, there will be the following alert triggers:
- Application not avaialble - Severity Disaster
- CPU load above 60% - Severity Average
- CPU load above 80% - Severity High
- RAM usage above 60% - Severity Average
- RAM usage above 80% - Severity High
- Storage used above 60% - Severity Average
- Storage used above 80% - Severity High
- All alerts should be sent to the Scopic's DevOps team and handled according to the Severity Table shown below.
- If the Disaster Severity alert is not handled within 4 hours an automatic alert will be sent to Scopic Management for further actions.
Severity Table

Any violation of the policy can be reported to Scopic will do its best to remedy the breach as soon as possible.
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